Feb 22

Give me a “double measure” of your spirit, Elisha asks of Elijah at the critical moment of transition. We reflect on how God equips us for what is ahead, and how the gifts God has given are already far greater than we might have imagined.

Sermon February 22nd, 2009 (pdf)

Feb 15

In the wake of the devastating bushfires this past week in Victoria, we reflect on the countless acts of compassion and bravery and consider the gospel call to raise our lamps high that the light shines to effect.

Reflection February 15th, 2009 (pdf)

Feb 8

The hectic pace of Mark’s gospel might have us believe that we are called to do and do and do. We find in our reading today that the needs are so great that Jesus finds the “whole city pressing at his door”.  And yet Jesus found a way to escape the madding crowds so that he could find a quiet place to pray.

Without re-charging with our creator we are in danger of burnout. Jesus provides us with a way to both do and be as servants of the gospel.

Sermon 8th February, 2009 (pdf)

Feb 1

When we hear of an unclean man having an evil spirit cast out of him, it is difficult to relate such a story to our daily lives – unless we have experienced directly something similar. We reflect on the importance of imagination when it comes to sharing vibrant experiences of faith, and the integrity of living as though our experiences truly matter.

As a congregation at St. David’s, we then reflect on our own lived experiences and how we grow in faith and live out our faith in community.

Sunday February 1st, 2009 (pdf)
St. David’s Uniting Church, Oakleigh
Rev. Arnie Wierenga