Luke’s gospel has the mysterious risen presence of Jesus appear to the disciples in their locked and fearful places. However it may be possible, encounters like this have changed the hearts, minds and actions of people ever since. We explore how Jesus invites us into a hopeful future and what it might look like if we find ourselves there.
Sermon Sunday April 26th, 2009 (pdf)
If the resurrection of Jesus is the most radical story for the disciples to hear, our gospel reading this week brings it alive. The disciples are locked away from the world in fear, and Jesus becomes present to them in ways the belie our understandings. Regardless of how it happened, it has changed these believers forever, and the have come to experience ‘Good News’.
Sermon, Sunday April 19th, 2009 (pdf)
The gospel of Mark has an end at verse 8 that jars – the women were told the radical news that Christ had risen and were asked to share the news – but they ran away and told no one!
With the twelve disciples mute with fear and now the women, who is left to proclaim the good news? The community of Mark would have heard this as the call to become witnesses where these others have failed. In our worship today we reflect on those places we find the risen Christ and how we might become witnesses to this radical news:
Christ is risen, CHRIST IS RISEN INDEED!
Sermon Easter Sunday 12th April 2009 (pdf)